
Celebrating Prom in Style!

SGS Munich

Celebrating Prom in Style!

Retrospective on an evening of elegance

by Daniel Akinfiev - Class of 2023


It’s been a month and a half since our final exams, and I am sure I speak for everyone in my year when I say that this time is a lot more relaxing than the incredible challenges the IB (International Baccalaureate) have bought us over the last two years. In saying that, it’s never a bad time to reflect on our past and look forward to what the future has in store for us.

As the results have just come in, questions around university decisions arise again. While some may have already made their decisions and have unconditional offers, others are still considering different options. The last decision lies with each of us as students. We all relied on the help of Mrs. Ramsay, our IB Coordinator and University and Careers Counsellor. She helped us explore career paths, consider what universities to apply for, and gave us advice on application essays.

To celebrate the end of our school lives, we all got together one last time on the 26th of May for our end of year promotion party, or Prom! It was a nice way to round off the IB, sharing our memories with our families and teachers (230 people in total) at the Theaterfabrik. With food, drinks, speeches and celebrations to keep us entertained, it sure was a fun night for all of us. We also received a yearbook and a Leavers sweatshirt,  awards were handed out chosen by our teachers, all of which solidify strong memories about our time at St. George´s.

After the celebrations were over and the venue was closing, some called it a night and went home. Others weren’t quite ready to say goodbye, choosing to continue celebrating our shared accomplishment through the night.

We will continue to stay in touch as many friendships were formed through our years in the school. At the moment, most of us are staying in Europe, making it not too difficult to visit each other every once in a while.

We will all treasure the memories we have made through our school adventures as we progress to new stages in our lives. But, for now, many of us will appreciate a nice break from studying or most of our responsibilities, maybe even travelling and exploring places outside of Munich. As I am writing this I am sitting on a train to France, fully appreciating the fact that I don’t have to make my way to school tomorrow morning!



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