
Alumni Conversation: An interview with Felix Theml

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Alumni Conversation: An interview with Felix Theml

Felix tells Spotlight! about his studies at St Andrews


Could you briefly describe who you are? 

My name is Felix Theml. I am 19 years old, German and studied at St Georges for 4 years (Year 10 – 13). I am currently studying Biochemistry at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. I have recently passed my first year of university and will be entering honors in September.

Was it clear for you, from a young age, that you wanted to study Science?

I was always fascinated by genetics and how such a simple concept based on only four different building blocks can govern all life as we know it. From that initial interest I researched which university degrees offer further insight into the complex world of genetics. Hence from my initial interest I found that Biochemistry contained all the aspects of biology that I find so fascinating, the chemistry and biological processes within the cells, all governed and controlled by genes.

How did St. George´s prepare you for your University studies? 

I always enjoyed biology lessons with Ms O’Connell as well as the Chemistry lessons with Mr West. The combination of these two key subjects further solidified the idea that Biochemistry would be the ideal degree for me, as it is what I enjoyed the most while at St. George´s.

St. George´s provided me with great assistance and feedback throughout my university application process. When I needed help, a recommendation letter or even just someone to have a read over my application draft and give feedback, I could always talk to my teachers or our academic adviser Mrs Ramsey who would provide me with great help in all aspects.

What are the memories you have of your time at St. George´s?

I have many fond memories from my time at St. George´s. Be it going to the school’s gym with my friends to work out, a trip to Paris for a tournament with the rugby team (for the 100th year anniversary of the ending of the first world war) or going to Cologne to compete against our sister school in rugby. Mr Saunders, who built the rugby team and club from the ground up, was a great inspiration, helping me develop leadership skills, as well as being a great person to have a laugh with while in school.

How do you see the future? 

I have no precise plans for the future. However after finishing my integrated masters in Biochemistry at St Andrews, I plan to do a PhD to give me an edge in the increasingly competitive work environment. I have not yet decided where I will head after that.

Do you still have contacts with St. George´s graduates?

I have close contact with some good friends. With most others from my graduation class, I have loose contact via social media.

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